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This post discusses the performance impact of Postgres FILLFACTOR table storage parameter on an UPDATE OLTP load. Note that this FILLFACTOR is indeed the table storage parameter, although there is also an eponymous parameter for indexes.

Postgres page size for SSD (2)

I have recently posted performance figures with varying page size using pgbench on SSD, which show a +10% improvement with smaller 4 kB page size over the default 8 kB page size.

Josh Berkus pointed out that pgbench test uses rather small 100-bytes rows, and that changing the tuple size might induce a different conclusion. To assess this point, I ran some tests with different row sizes: 1 kB, 3 kB, 7 kB and 15 kB.

Postgres page size for SSD

In a previous post, I have outlined the time required by a Postgres database to warm-up from a HDD on a read-only load for a database that fits in memory.

In this post, I want to look at write performance on SSD, focusing on the impact of Postgres page size (blocksize), and on checking whether the current 8 kB default is relevant.

DataFiller 2.0.0 is out!

DataFiller processes a Postgres database schema file augmented with directives in comments, and generates pseudo-random data matching this schema, taking into account constraints such as types, but also primary key, unique, foreign keys, not null…

Version 2.0.0 introduces the following new features: